Learn Full JAVA Course 7 Hours by Naveen Reddy


1. Intro & How to use Eclipse - 00:00:00
2. Getting    Started - 09:20
3. How Java Works - 14:16
4. Variable in Java - 15:46
5. Working with Variables - 20:30
6. Primitive Data Type in Java - 28:25
7. Naming Convention in Java - 34:25
8. Arithmetic Operators in Java - 41:33
9. If Else | Selection Statement - 50:29
11. While | For | Iteration Statement | Loops -01:05:25
12. Nested Loops | Iteration Statement - 01:13:21
13. Break and Continue - 01:18:40
14. Class and Object - 01:21:23
15. Constructor in Java Theory - 01:30:32  
16. Constructor Example - 01:40:51
17. This keyword - 01:47:52
18. Method and Constructor Overloading - 01:51:29
19. Static Keyword - 01:56:41
20. Inner  Class - 02:08:50
21. Array Theory - 02:16:23
22. Array 1D | 2D | Jagged Array - 02:22:35
23. Enhanced for loop - 02:35:02
24. Varargs - 02:39:02
25. Inheritance - 02:42:13
26. Super Method - 02:50:42
27. Multiple Inheritance in Java? - 02:57:18
28. Method Overriding | Super Keyword - 02:59:29
29. Dynamic Method Dispatch - 03:04:07
30. Encapsulation - 03:08:40
31. Wrapper class | AutoBoxing - 03:14:54
32. Abstract Keyword - 03:23:19
33. Why do we need Abstract Class? - 03:28:39
34. Final Keyword - 03:33:25
35. Interface | Why and What? - 03:39:27
36. More about Interface - 03:46:20
37. Anonymous Inner class - 03:51:33
38. Anonymous class with Interface - 03:54:51
39. Functional Interface | Lambda Expression - 03:57:12
40. Default method in Interface - 04:04:06
41. Multiple Inheritance issue with Interface - 04:09:39
42. Static method in Interface - 04:12:49
43. Package - 04:15:47
44. Access Modifiers - 04:22:14
45. Exception Handling Try Catch Finally - 04:32:35
46. Multiple Catch blocks - 04:38:37
47. Checked Exception | Finally block - 04:44:35
48. Try with Resource - 04:49:32
49. User Defined - 04:51:40
50. User Input using Scanner - 04:56:32
51. MultiThreading in Java Theory - 04:58:58 
52. Thread class - 05:09:39
53. Runnable Interface - 05:20:34
54. Lambda Expression - 05:24:30
55. Join | isAlive method - 05:28:4
56. Thread Priority - 05:31:18
57. Synchronized Keyword - 05:36:34
58. Collection and Generics in Java - 05:45:10
59. Iterator Interface - 05:59:25
60. List Interface - 06:07:29
61. Generics with List - 06:13:00
62. Collections Class - 06:16:20
63. Comparator Interface - 06:20:34
64. Comparable Interface - 06:29:11
65. Set Interface - 06:35:08
66. Map Interface - 06:40:41

I learnt Java and Android basics in Telusko channel in 2017, in 2018 got a job, got a life, and here again just brushing up my knowledge. Thank you Navin sir, you are amazing.

After watching so many videos across youtube, I must say this is the best tutorial channel out there. Thank you so much for taking the time on creating this amazing videos.

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